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How to Attract and Retain Freelancers: Tips for Blue Collar Gig Jobs

Deploy a reliable group of gig workers for your peak periods and last-minute activations - but first, comes attracting and retaining these flexible workers! Find out how to attract, build, and retain gig workers for your business in Singapore!

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Gig Economy Platforms: A New Way to Hire Part-Time Hotel Workers

Hotels are benefiting from integrating flexible part-time gig workers in their hiring strategy. Meet the surges in demand for manpower with your dependable contingency workforce! Read more to find our how.

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Hire Part-Time Event Workers in Singapore: Gig vs Regular Staff

Hiring affordable and dependable part-time event helpers can be a challenge. How about building a group of gig workers who are ready to work whenever you require the manpower? Read more to find out how!

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Hire Part-Time F&B Workers or Gig Workers : A Singapore SME Owner Guide

Is your F&B business having issues with hiring part-time workers? Explore flexible gig workers for a more sustainable, affordable, and efficient approach to your F&B manpower needs. Read more to find out how you can integrate gig workers into your current recruitment strategy!

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The Future Is Flexible: Hire Warehouse Staff As A Contingency Workforce in 2024

There's a growing demand for flexible warehouse workers as companies strive to be agile. Find out how to tap into these new demographic of gig workers to supplement your manpower needs!

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Forget Traditional Part-Timers - Companies Are Now Using Flexible Workforce

What is the different between flexible and traditional part-time workers? Find out how your business should shift towards integrating a flexible contingency workforce to remain agile and save cost!

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Struggling to Hire Retail Staff in Singapore? Try Flexible Part-Time Workers!

The retail sector is getting more competitive and it is even harder to find the right talent for your business. Find out how your retail business can leverage hiring flexible part-time workers in Singapore to remain efficient.

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Blended Workforce: Hybrid Hiring to Boost Business in 2024

What Is a Blended Workforce? Find out the Advantages of a Blended Workforce, Challenges of a Blended Workforce, Ways to integrate a Blended Workforce, and some frequently asked questions.

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How to Hire Casual Part-Time Workers for F&B Businesses

F&B businesses have a persisting issue with retaining workers in blue-collar job roles. What if you have access to a whole new unique pool of qualified workers that you can hire on demand? Hire more this coming holiday season with casual gig workers! Fully managed, affordable, and hassle-free.

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7 Reasons Why Only Relying on Part-Time Workers May Not Be Efficient Anymore

With the growing gig economy, companies can leverage this untapped demographic of unique jobseekers to increase hiring efficiency. Find out why you should start building an agile blended workforce for your company today!

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